Membership in IADI
The fund has become a full member of IADI in December of 2021. It engages in various international projects, discussions, presentations, tutorials, and workshops to further enhance the deposit insurance system in Uzbekistan.
The International Association of Deposit Insurers (IADI) was formed in May 2002 to enhance the effectiveness of deposit insurance systems by promoting guidance and international cooperation. Members of IADI conduct research and produce guidance for the benefit of those jurisdictions seeking to establish or improve a deposit insurance system. Members also share their knowledge and expertise through participation in international conferences and other forums.
IADI currently represents 89 deposit insurers. IADI is a non-profit organization constituted under Swiss Law and is domiciled at the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland.
To share deposit insurance expertise with the world.
To contribute to the enhancement of deposit insurance effectiveness by promoting guidance and international cooperation.
To contribute to the stability of financial systems by promoting international cooperation in the field of deposit insurance and providing guidance for establishing new, and enhancing existing, deposit insurance systems, and to encourage wide international contact among deposit insurers and other interested parties.
In the furtherance of its Objectives, IADI, in particular:
· develops principles, standards, and guidance to enhances the effectiveness of deposit insurance systems - taking into account different circumstances, settings and structures;
· encourages consideration and voluntary application of its principles, standards, and guidelines;
· develops methodologies for the assessment of compliance with its principles, standards, and guidelines, and facilitates assessment processes;
· enhances the understanding of common interests and issues related to deposit insurance;
· facilitate the sharing and exchange of expertise and information on deposit insurance issues through training, development, and educational programs and provides advice on the establishment or enhancement of effective deposit insurance systems;
· undertakes research on issues relating to deposit insurance;
· co-operates with other international organizations, particularly those involved in issues related to financial markets and promotion of financial growth, stability and integrity;
· creates awareness among supervisors and regulators of financial institutions concerning the key role of deposit insurance systems in maintaining financial stability; and
· takes such other action as may be necessary or useful for its Objectives and activities.